Electric Purple Salvia Medicine

Flowers and plants hold a unique medicine all their own. They are eager to work with us so that we may become healthier and more conscious creating more unity between plants and humans. They each hold medicinal properties that work with our subtle energy fields and the subconscious layers of the mind.

Electric Purple Salvia Essence

I collected this beautiful medicine from this very strong vibrant being who decided to pop up in my herb garden. I was drawn to the unique shape of the flower and the healthy masculine appearance. This particular plant of mine, grown with love, is still blooming even after a bitter frost, proving its vitality and resiliency. The medicine this plant offers to us is powerful and direct.

I refer to a lot of flowers as β€œshe” but this one calls out to be referred to as HE. So, I respect that and trust the guidance.

This particular plant puts a lot of energy into the earth as an offering as he begins his growth. For half of the season he is growing, he gives powerful nutrients to the soil as an offering to the plants surrounding and subsequently supporting him. Then, about halfway through the season he begins to use the strength from what he has given - you see, he gets strength from giving, this is his purpose - an energy exchange to prepare for the strong deep purple blooms where he fully expresses his innate beauty. At this time the roots begin to receive nutrients from the soil taking no more than what he needs to thrive. He then spends most of his energy creating and preserving the shape of his gorgeous flower. Once flowering, he captures the hearts of bees and hummingbirds - offering nectar that provides strength and longevity so they may carry out their contribution to mother earth. He feels accomplished and proud of his service to the overall contribution to the world. It is a give and take energy that supports the greatest and highest good of all. He is acutely aware, however that he must know when to take and when to give. The underlying more subtle message he delivers is - in order to maintain the give and take rhythm - you must first put all of the energy into the beautiful things in life. Once you do that - you are strong and resilient and have the capability to create nectar that can be shared with others.

Electric Purple Salvia Flower Remedy

Healing Benefits

* Helps identify ones greater purpose and shines light there for self and others to recognize, leading to abundance and joy.

* Supports healthy masculine energy. Bringing awareness to where healthy masculine shows up in your world. Healing for those who have sexual trauma. Restoring faith in humanity.

* Balances give and take.

* Provides strength and longevity for those who tend to over give.

* Teaches strong easy to define boundaries.

* Redirects energy to that which lights you up.

* Promotes working with others with a healthy give and take that contributes to the greatest and highest good of all.